Lady Angie's Personal Page
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This is my first attempt to create a web page...
Reasons why I'm doing it?
Well I can't accept other people having one and not ME! :D

For those who know me, this will be a page to refresh your memory and also keep you updated with my latest adventures...
For those who 've never met me, this page will give you a very good idea of who I am!
So take it easy....grap some crisps and open the window into my life!
So what is this all about?
Well my friends, what is web site about?
lots of things and nothing...
little trivial things of life that most of the time go by unoticed but to each one of us have a tremendous amount of importance...
It's a web site about my twisted life..
A diary to my memories
A companion to you..
Facts about me...
Origin: Greek
Lives: London, UK
Career: About to start a PhD on Prenatal Diagnosis
Age: 22 +
Loves: Cinema, Comic books,
the dance floor, languages, travelling

Under construction
Nothing is done yet..
but in the near future I'm planning to incorporate my CV
PLUS a photo album
PLUS favorite things to do
PLUS my life in london

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What is this?
I do NOT know!
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